All in Health and healing

How to survive in a time of coronavirus: Turn down the volume

In these days of coronavirus fear, everything around us is amplified. Our attention to the news is greater. Our perceptions of threats all around us are greater. In fact, every emotion we experience seems to be amplified. We’re all on edge, and our emotions run a hair trigger away from exploding. Most of us can go from calm to panic in 60 seconds flat. That is because our emotions are amplified. Everything we feel is amplified right now.

Quarantine confessions: Eating ice cream and longing for the gym

I’m sitting here eating Blue Bell ice cream out of the container and fretting because I can’t go to the gym. Don’t judge me; you’ve probably done the same. I do feel some comfort tonight, however, because now nobody can go to the gym – which means I’m not alone or being singled out anymore. Our city and county just announced a decree that in order to contain the novel coronavirus all restaurants, bars, clubs and gyms must close.

For clergy, it’s unsettling to realize sometimes the helper needs help

Several weeks earlier — before the surgery that cured my first problem but unexpectedly created the spinal cord injury — when I was living with unbearable nerve pain that seemed to have no cure, my friend Jakob called me one afternoon to ask a brave question: “As your friend, I need to ask you: ‘Are you considering taking your own life?’” My answer formed slowly: “No, but I now understand how people get to that point. And if I get there, I promise to call you.”

Why I pray for Christmas miracles

“Miracles” aren’t limited to the parting of the sea or turning fives loaves and two fishes into a meal for thousands. Sometimes, miracles are smaller, more personal things. Sometimes, miracles involve the healing of relationships. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned as a pastor, it’s that there are a lot of ruptured relationships out there, many of them wrapped up tighter than a Christmas package. A few years ago, a Christmas Eve gathering at our home turned out to be the place of annunciation for one such miracle