mark wingfield is a pastor, writer and speaker based in dallas, texas. as a veteran journalist who later became a pastor, he expresses a spirit-filled view of the world with concise clarity.

For clergy, it’s unsettling to realize sometimes the helper needs help

For clergy, it’s unsettling to realize sometimes the helper needs help

Several weeks earlier — before the surgery that cured my first problem but unexpectedly created the spinal cord injury — when I was living with unbearable nerve pain that seemed to have no cure, my friend Jakob called me one afternoon to ask a brave question: “As your friend, I need to ask you: ‘Are you considering taking your own life?’” My answer formed slowly: “No, but I now understand how people get to that point. And if I get there, I promise to call you.”

For clergy, it’s unsettling to realize sometimes the helper needs help

For clergy, it’s unsettling to realize sometimes the helper needs help

10 things we’re learning about the LGBTQ debate in the church

10 things we’re learning about the LGBTQ debate in the church