mark wingfield is a pastor, writer and speaker based in dallas, texas. as a veteran journalist who later became a pastor, he expresses a spirit-filled view of the world with concise clarity.

The Bible has answers. But it's not a Magic 8 Ball

The Bible has answers. But it's not a Magic 8 Ball

Biblicism turns the Bible into a Magic 8 Ball. Remember those childhood semi-occultic toys – the black ball you shake up and ask a question and a block inside turns this way and that until an answer is revealed? Biblicists treat the Bible just like that; just keep turning the pages and you’ll find an answer to all life’s questions.

Juneteenth should remind us of all the things we don't know

Juneteenth should remind us of all the things we don't know

How to survive in a time of coronavirus: Turn down the volume

How to survive in a time of coronavirus: Turn down the volume