mark wingfield is a pastor, writer and speaker based in dallas, texas. as a veteran journalist who later became a pastor, he expresses a spirit-filled view of the world with concise clarity.

A pope and a priest and World War II

A pope and a priest and World War II

Recent travels have afforded me the opportunity to walk in the paths of both Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty of Ireland and Pope Pius XII, born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli of Rome. Their paths converged at the Vatican during the atrocities of World War II. The subsequent passage of time has shown Pius XII to have been complicit in enabling Hitler’s genocide while appearing to say slightly reassuring things and O’Flaherty to have quietly done the right thing by saving 6,500 people from execution.

When a transwoman served me Communion

When a transwoman served me Communion

In America's culture wars, the Golden Rule is no longer enough

In America's culture wars, the Golden Rule is no longer enough